The holidays are huge for traveling—to family for the big meal, to see lights, watch concerts, and visit family and friends. Whatever your reasons, auto glass replacement in Highland should be part of your preparation.  If you have a windshield that isn’t as safe as it ought to be, you should come see us before your cracked windshield makes your evening stressful instead of fun.

Auto Glass Replacement in Highland

Winter temperatures and weather can do a lot of damage to a car—from salt on the undercarriage to ice in the windshield. Auto glass replacement in Highland can’t help with salt, but we can do a lot for your windshield.  Small chips can become large cracks if some water gets in during the day and freezes at night. Water expands as it freezes, and that little chip can turn into a larger one or into a crack if the expansion happens at the perfect angle.

And a crack in a windshield affects the integrity of your car’s occupant protection system.  The frame of a car is meant to protect you in the case of an accident. When a car is designed, the crash tests assume an intact windshield because that matters—preventing ejection, stabilizing the frame in a rollover.

A good-sized crack can interfere with that stability, allowing the windshield to buckle when it shouldn’t, giving less support to the frame than it needs.  If you have a windshield that has a good-sized chip or a crack, you should look at getting the glass repaired or replaced so your car can protect you. Icy roads mean more opportunities for crashes, and the last thing you need during the holidays is an injury.  Check out auto glass replacement in Highland and rest easy through the holiday festivities.