Do-It-Yourself Car Maintenance

Keeping your car in good shape doesn’t have to break the bank when you stay consistent with car maintenance and perform some of the checks yourself!  There are lots of things that can go wrong and many problems can leave you stranded on a highway or put you at risk of...

Car Windshield Maintenance Tips

Our windshields play an important role in our safety, so here are some tips for car windshield maintenance that every driver should know! Acting as a shield to debris as well as the lens you use to navigate, it is easy to see how dangerous driving can be if we neglect...

Avoiding Car Windshield Damage

Nobody likes to spend time and money to maintain their car, so keep these tips in mind to prevent car windshield damage and reduce money spent on auto repairs and upkeep. Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed way to keep your car safe, but there are a handful of ways...

Quality Car Glass Replacement Done Right

Car glass replacement isn’t rocket science, but it does still require skill and finesse to ensure the right seal on the windshield and a tight, safe fit all around.  Sure, you can hire any number of places to replace or repair a windshield, and many will tell you that...

When to Repair Auto Rust

Your car is a valuable asset, but it undergoes a lot of wear and tear throughout the years, so do yourself a favor and learn some maintenance tips such as when to go see a shop to repair auto rust. Whether you want to stay on the road longer, make some money back...